Hair Removal at Affordable Enhancements
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Here's what our customers are saying...

You are not only an individual that helps others achieve beauty on the inside, but you have given Danyel and I the opportunity to see a great doctor which has helped Danyel significantly. Once again I can not thank you enough!!" -

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"As a National Figure Competitor I consider Veanessa just as important as my trainer"

- Michelle from Highlands Ranch-----August 2008
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"I highly recommend Vaneassa for both IPL and hair removal.  I'm so pleased with the results of both treatments that I've cancelled my cleaning service so I can expand the services I get through her - she makes me look and feel wonderful!"

- Denise from Centennial------August 2008

"For years I have struggled with facial hair. ...Suddenly- it worked- no joke."

Mary from Littleton-----May 2008
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"I kept putting it off for such a long time. 
But thanks heavens I finally came to my senses and checked you out.  I am so glad that I did this and it has been one of my BEST investments."

Deb from Littleton---April 2008
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"When I came to your office, I was pretty skeptical about any laser treatments that help to get rid of a blond/light hair. ...
Thank you so much Veanessa for  recommending a  Meladine, the product that really works,  and providing the best laser hair removing service!"

Oliva from Littleton, Nov 24th 2007
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